Sunday, July 26, 2015

Curry Smashed Potatoes

Granted, I might be incurring the wrath of the food gods by writing this for all the interweb to read but, I don't get it.  If you want mashed potatoes, make mashed potatoes.  If you want roasted potatoes, roast up some potatoes.  What is with this obsession for this weird in between stage? I made some "smashed" potatoes and they were fine but I kind of feel like I threw a temper tantrum in the middle of cooking and took a stick to my roasted potato.  But whatever, it does add to the cool factor when you are putting your pretty, dinner party ready, plate together for all to see and admire.  Plus, the likelihood of me making smashed potatoes again is pretty high since I did like smashing them :)


Curry powder

[Yea...I know...but honestly, it is all based on the number of potatoes you decide to make up.  Are you feeding a dinner party's worth of people? Grab a 3 lb bag of red potatoes.  Are you feeding just yourself for the next couple of days?  Throw 6 new baby potatoes into a pot.]


Preheat oven to 425F.

Put the potatoes into a pot and cover with water.  Bring to a boil and cook for approximately 10 minutes.  You want to potatoes to be tender so that they become smashable.

Remove the potatoes and place them on a baking sheet you have greased with a little oil.  Using your hand or a potato masher, flatten the potatoes.  If you use your hand, I'm going to state the obvious and and tell you to let them cool a bit first...we do not want any injuries here!  I used a potato masher and I did not feel as if I had the best control so I would suggest simply using your hands on this one.

Brush the potatoes with a little oil and sprinkle on curry powder.

Bake for 10 minutes, flip the potatoes, sprinkle with curry powder, and finish baking for another 10 minutes.

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