Sunday, April 19, 2015

Breakfast for Dinner

One of the most fun meals we would get growing up was corn pancakes for dinner.  Corn pancakes do not exactly scream circus parade but, there is something inherently fun about flipping the script on dinner.  And, as a kid and adult, there is something deliciously wrong about being allowed to pour maple syrup all over your evening meal.

For corn pancakes, all you do is add a can of corn, end of story.  That simple addition makes a few pancakes much heartier and more appropriate for dinner.  Though, it definitely takes pancakes from carb overload to carb universe. 

The one thing to be mindful of is the moisture content.  Make sure the can is drained completely.  Additions also can change the cooking time.  In this case, the corn makes the cakes a bit thicker and could increase cooking time.  You might be tempted to increase the griddle heat but that means you risk browning the cakes before the middle is cooked through.

Now, on to the good stuff...


1/2 c. milk + 3 Tbsp
2 Tbsp melted butter
1 egg
1 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
2 Tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp. salt


Combine the milk, butter, and egg.  Beat lightly.  Into a separate bowl, sift the dry ingredients.  Add the dry mixture to the milk mixture all at once and stir just enough to dampen flour.  Then add corn.

Add small amounts of milk until the mixture resembles the consistency of heavy cream.  This should be approximately 3 Tbsp of milk.


Heat electric griddle to 350F.  This should only take a couple of minutes.  Spoon mixture onto griddle.  They're ready for flipping when bubbles form.  I used a 1/4 c. measure as my spoon.

Use the corner of a spatula to test if the pancakes are cooked through.  Each side should take approximately 3 minutes.  I was able to make 10 pancakes.

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